Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 08/04/15 09:55:13


Description: Including the thermal dispersion effect may be required if beside the molecular diffusion of heat an additional heat transfer which appears due to hydrodynamic mixing of the interstitial fluid at the pore scale appears. This effect, which is called thermal dispersion, results in an apparent increase of thermal conductivity of the porous medium. It is always to account for an apparent increase of thermal conductivity in both longitudinal and transverse directions. This keyword is used in processes such as heat transport.


int double double

i.e. model type, longitudinal heat dispersion, transverse heat dispersion The model type is 1 to activate or 0 to deactivate the dispersion, followed by the longitudinal and transverse heat dispersion (both in meter).



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  1 1.0 1.0
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