Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 08/04/15 10:03:21


The keyword $PERMEABILITY_SATURATION enables the definition of the relative permeability for Richards flow and multiphase flow in fractured porous material, which is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of a phase. The relative permeability is often represented as a function of water saturation. This keyword can be used in the processes such as Richards flow and multiphase flow.


In the example 1, the first parameter defines the permeability-saturation-model type, followed by its model parameter values. The values in the first line indicate that the curve (indicated by first value ‘0’) with curve number 1 (indicated by second value ‘1’) has been applied to describe the relationship between saturation and relative permeability.

In the second example, the values in the first line indicate that the Brooks-Corey model for wetting fluid is applied (indicated by first value ‘6’). The residual saturation, maximum saturation and saturation exponent are 0.078, 1.0 and 3.86, respectively. In the second line, the parameters for the Brooks-Corey model for non-wetting fluid are given (indicated by the first value ‘66’). The residual saturation, maximum saturation, saturation exponent and minimum relative permeability are 0, 1.0, 3.86 and 1e-9, respectively.


1. Warrick experiment

. . . 
  0 1 
. . . .

2. kueper problem

. . . 
  6  0.078 1.0 3.86 
  66  0.0 1.0 3.86 1e-9
. . . .